Search Results
POTA Activation: New N0SA portable paddles & the Elecraft AX1 shows off. Again.
Elecraft AX1 or AX2? Would you benefit from one of these portable antennas and if so which one?
Ham Radio Mini CW Paddle - N0SA SOTA vs SSP Paddle
POTA Activation with the Elecraft KX2 and a Stolen Antenna! (Plus, bonus canine guests!)
Pairing the Icom IC-705 & Elecraft AX1: POTA Portable on the Pamlico Sound!
CW paddle - no batteries!
POTA RaDAR Run Activation #4: An insanely short "wham-bam" activation at Johns River!
Elecraft KX2 & AX1: Dodging the rain at Lake James State Park
The Elecraft AX1: Can you really activate a park with this tiny antenna? Let's find out!
POTA Activation for Larry W9MXC, SK
POTA #1 - VA7BIX. First ever activation - Park VE-4789. Victoria BC, Canada. December 1st, 2021
Cheap & simple to build cw paddles for the IC-705 portable activity